Design rules for a MEMS gyroscope actuated by parametric resonance

H. van Beek, H. Nijmeijer (Begeleider), S.W. Shaw (Begeleider)

Onderzoeksoutput: Boek/rapportRapportAcademic

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A linear vibratory MEMS gyroscope is an angular rate sensor. The operation principle is based on two orthogonal vibration modes, where energy from the drive mode is transferred due to the Coriolis effect into the sense mode. The sense mode vibration amplitude is proportional to the angular rate that is subject to the gyroscope. Mismatch between the natural frequencies of the modes and mechanical cross coupling of the modes degrades the performance of such a MEMS gyroscope. A novel MEMS gyroscope actuated by parametric resonance uses nonlinear vibration phenomena to provide a design that is more robust to frequency mismatch. The goal of this work is to determine design rules and recommendations, that is, the selection of device and operating parameters, for a good design of such a MEMS gyroscope actuated by parametric resonance. An analytical nonlinear model to describe the drive and sense dynamics has been developed. Using the method of averaging and the computer program AUTO, the influence of all the parameters present in the equations of motion has been analysed. The observed parameter influences can be translated into design rules for a MEMS gyroscope actuated by parametric resonance. First, it is advised to make the linear electrostatic excitation amplitude as low as possible; this maximizes the unstable zero solution window that can act as an operating frequency window. Second, the sense natural frequency should be placed in the middle of the operating frequency window; this maximizes the robustness of the gyroscope. Third, the excitation frequency of the gyroscope should be chosen at a frequency slightly lower than the sense natural frequency, since the frequency response is most sensitive for changes in angular rate in this region. Fourth, there is a trade-off between a large sense amplitude which results in a large sensitivity and a large linear angular rate range. Fifth, mechanical cross coupling and damping have a small negative effect on the sensitivity of the gyroscope; it is therefore recommended to keep these as small as possible.
Originele taal-2Engels
Plaats van productieEindhoven
UitgeverijEindhoven University of Technology
StatusGepubliceerd - 2011

Bibliografische nota

Internship report. - DC 2011.022


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