Design of a simulated moving bed adsorption system for the Bodec pilot plant

B. Karami Alaghinloo

Onderzoeksoutput: ScriptieEngD Thesis


Bodec is developing its own pilot plant and tolling facilities. The main purpose of the pilot plant is to support the process development for the valorization of waste streams. An important unit operation is chromatography adsorption. Bodec decided on using Simulated Moving Bed (SMB) technology for adsorption. The goal of the project was conceptual design of SMB unit with maximum flexibility. The maximum flexibility can be defined as the possibility of having all kind of flow arrangements. There are six inlet headlines and four outlet headlines. It is possible to have several steps. The chromatography adsorption consists of the adsorption step which is usually followed by elution, regeneration and equilibrium. In this design, there is a possibility to have wash and second elution as well. The outlet headlines include two elautes, one raffinate and the waste streams. Liquid can flow from top to bottom or bottom to top in the columns and the possibility of having more than one column in series in each step of adsorption. The conceptual design of the SMB unit is described in this report. The conceptual design of the SMB unit was performed by creating the P&ID in which all flow arrangements can be handled.  Equipments are selected and sized in order to operate at design capacity. The initial functional design is developed which includes control philosophy and translation of operation into flow charts for control programming. The cost analysis is performed in order to study the economical feasibility. The cost of SMB unit with 6 columns is estimated for to be 184000 Euro which is within the budget. It is recommended to simulate the control design before building the prototype to avoid the excessive troubleshooting afterwards.
Originele taal-2Engels
  • Deckers, P.J., Externe begeleider
  • Osmanovic, N., Externe begeleider
  • Wijers, Johan, Begeleider
Datum van toekenning5 apr. 2012
Plaats van publicatieEindhoven
Gedrukte ISBN's978-90-444-1120-1
StatusGepubliceerd - 2012

Bibliografische nota

Eindverslag. - Confidential


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