D2.3 Guidelines for sustainable adaptive reuse for CH

Gamze Dane, Cécile Houpert, Soheil Derakhshan

Onderzoeksoutput: Boek/rapportRapportProfessioneel

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Starting with the knowledge gained from activities in Work Package 1 (WP1), this deliverable aims to support the ROCK project implementation based on the circular urban system concept (D2.2). In this deliverable, sustainable adaptive reuse is described as a tool for urban regeneration in historic urban centres, which is not a pre-set project but considered as a long-term process. This process can be long-term and sustainable when it is based on circle of sustainability which has the pillars of economy, environment, social and culture. The deliverable has two major target groups:
1. Consortium community: aiming to share the sustainable adaptive reuse approaches from ROCK cities, and the guidance to implement it within the ROCK context.
2. Broader audience beyond the consortium community: aiming to inform different stakeholders for ROCK approach of sustainable adaptive reuse. For sustainable adaptive reuse, cultural heritage is considered at the centre of sustainable development reflecting cultural values and identity.
Therefore, it can generate knowledge economy, environmental sustainability and social inclusion. Because in ROCK circular approach, that can be seen in D2.2, cultural heritage is maintained and improved with the addition of new components that develop on the old ones, while attracting new resources and partnerships. This deliverable involves steps starting from understanding the context of cities, how each city can be a role model for another on specific aspects, and possible steps for implementing the adaptive reuse projects considering possible technologies within the ROCK project.
Originele taal-2Engels
UitgeverijROCK Regeneration and Optimization of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities
Aantal pagina's36
StatusGepubliceerd - 2019


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