D 2.6 - Demonstration Report of ROCK Project Replicator Cities (Bologna, Lisbon, Skopje)

Onderzoeksoutput: Boek/rapportRapportAcademic


WP2 aims to define a palette of solutions and strategies to deliver multilevel heritage-led regeneration tools and solutions in ROCK cities, according to ROCK circle that interconnects the role model and replicator cities into a coherent and systemic vision. Within WP2, dedicated scenarios have been developed in order to manage and support the pilot phases at the demonstration sites of replicator cities, Bologna, Lisbon and Skopje.
The aim of the task 2.4 (Large-Scale Demonstrations) was to check and test the patterns developed in task 2.1 in the cities’ demo cases. Following the replicator cities roadmap developed in WP1, and the specific scenarios and sustainable adaptive reuse guidelines (D2.3) developed in WP2, ROCK technologies and soft tools (i.e. participatory activities and approaches, and knowledge activities linked to Living Labs) developed by project partners and local living lab partners in the replicator cities, are tested to demonstrate their effectiveness and customization possibilities in the demo-cases.
This deliverable collects all the results of the demonstration actions in Replicator and Role model cities, showing the process of actions within the complied scenarios, the relations established between role model and replicator cities, the self-assessment of success and barriers, and the future plans of actions.
Originele taal-2Engels
Aantal pagina's74
StatusGepubliceerd - dec. 2020


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