Convergence analysis of spectral element method for magnetic devices

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschriftTijdschriftartikelAcademicpeer review

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This paper concerns the comparison of the performance of the Spectral Element Method (SEM) and the Finite Element Method (FEM) for modeling a magnetostatic problem. The convergence of the vector magnetic potential, the magnetic flux density, and the total stored energy in the system is compared with the results of FEM. Two simulation scenarios are examined which are distinct by a large and a small rounding radius of the corner. SEM shows comparable convergence to FEM for field computations and faster convergence for energy calculations.
Originele taal-2Engels
Pagina's (van-tot)43-49
Aantal pagina's7
TijdschriftInternational Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics
Nummer van het tijdschriftS1
StatusGepubliceerd - 8 apr. 2018


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