Collective behaviour of dislocations in a finite medium

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We derive the grand-canonical partition function of straight and parallel dislocation lines without making a priori assumptions on the temperature regime. Such a systematic derivation for dislocations has, to the best of our knowledge, not been carried out before, and several conflicting assumptions on the free energy of dislocations have been made in the literature. Dislocations have gained interest as they are the carriers of plastic deformation in crystalline materials and solid polymers, and they constitute a prototype system for two-dimensional Coulomb particles. Our microscopic starting level is the description of dislocations as used in the discrete dislocation dynamics (DDD) framework. The macroscopic level of interest is characterized by the temperature, the boundary deformation and the dislocation density profile. By integrating over state space, we obtain a field theoretic partition function, which is a functional integral of the Boltzmann weight over an auxiliary field. The Hamiltonian consists of a term quadratic in the field and an exponential of this field. The partition function is strongly non-local, and reduces in special cases to the sine–Gordon model. Moreover, we determine implicit expressions for the response functions and the dominant scaling regime for metals, namely the low-temperature regime.
Originele taal-2Engels
Pagina's (van-tot)1-45
Aantal pagina's45
TijdschriftJournal of Statistical Mechanics : Theory and Experiment
StatusGepubliceerd - 2014


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