Climate4Wood: climate effects on decorated wooden panels

H.L. Schellen, P.H.J.C. van Duin, S.E. Ekelund, R.A. Luimes, C.A.F. Gauvin, A.J.M. Jorissen, R.M. Groves, H.A. Ankersmit, A.S.J. Suiker

Onderzoeksoutput: Hoofdstuk in Boek/Rapport/CongresprocedureConferentiebijdrageAcademic


Damage caused by fluctuations in museum climate is regarded as one of the main risks to museum collections. Therefore very strict standards for climate specifications have developed, leading to high implementation and energy costs. Based on research done since the 1990's, these specifications are now seen as unrealistic and unnecessarily strict, however, extensive research is required to convince the conservation community that these specifications can be relaxed without causing damage to susceptible objects, such as wooden panels (paintings and furniture).
The aim of the Climate4Wood proposal is (1) to identify the RH fluctuations that decorated wooden panels can safely sustain (the 'allowable' fluctuations) and (2) in consequence to develop rational guidelines for the climate specifications in the museums. Therefore it is important to understand the response of wooden panels and the damage failure criteria. The project outcome enables the development of a decision-making model that will help museums to become more sustainable, by balancing the cost and preservation of the collection.
Based on a museum study (PhD 1), consisting of a systematic analysis of a collection of decorated panels, reconstructions will be made to measure the hygrothermal properties of oak. The results are used as input for a material and mechanical modeling study (PhD 2), to model climate and age induced stresses and deformations. A postdoc will determine and model the relevant non linear elastic material properties. It is expected that combining this information will help museums throughout the world to develop rational guidelines for climate specifications.
Originele taal-2Engels
TitelNWO Science4Arts symposium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Aantal pagina's5
StatusGepubliceerd - 17 nov. 2016
EvenementNWO Science4Arts symposium, 17-18 November 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands - Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Nederland
Duur: 17 nov. 201618 nov. 2016


CongresNWO Science4Arts symposium, 17-18 November 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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