Chalcogenides applied to microring switching

J. Pello, J.J.G.M. Tol, van der, M.K. Smit, M. Rudé, R.E. Simpson, V. Pruneri, S. Keyvaninia, G. Roelkens

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan congresPoster

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We show that switching a phase-change material between its two bonding states can be used to shift the resonant wavelength of a ring resonator and change its Q-factor and extinction ratio, in a reversible and non-volatile way.
Originele taal-2Engels
StatusGepubliceerd - 2012

Bibliografische nota

Poster presented at the 16th European Conference on Integrated Optics and Technical Exhibition (ECIO 2012), 18-20 April 2012, Barcelona, Spain


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