CFD-aided ventilation design for a large experimental chamber to study aerosol dispersion and removal

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan congresPaperAcademic

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To aid the design of a new large experimental chamber with a mixing ventilation system, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations were employed in assessing the ventilation performance with different configurations of supply and exhaust positions, as well as the introduction of a plate beneath the supply openings to facilitate attachment of the supplied air to the ceiling. The simulation results indicate that a crossed configuration enhances air mixing within the experimental room in the investigated chamber (9.910 m × 6.729 m × 2.995 m) compared to a parallel configuration of supply openings. In addition, incorporating a plate with a small gap between the ceiling supplies and the ceiling effectively reduces maximum velocities in different zones of the room, which is better to avoid draught issue and improve distribution uniformity. The CFD simulations offer insights into the important effect of supply and exhaust design on the flow pattern in the experimental chamber. Future research in this room is directed at analyzing these effects further, also in combination with, e.g., furnishing and use of air cleaners.
Originele taal-2Engels
Aantal pagina's8
StatusGepubliceerd - 22 apr. 2024
EvenementRoomVent 2024 conference: Healthy air together - when scientific and industrial advances meet the needs of society - Stockholm, Zweden
Duur: 22 apr. 202425 apr. 2024


CongresRoomVent 2024 conference
Internet adres


This research received funding from the Pandemic Preparedness Programme and Ventilation (P3Venti Program) coordinated by the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research TNO and funded by the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport. The large experimental chamber is also partly financed by the collaboration project CLAIRE (LSHM22032), co-funded by the PPP Allowance made available by Health~Holland, Top Sector Life Sciences & Health, to stimulate public-private partnerships (, and by the NWO-MIST programme (MItigation STrategies for Airborne Infection Control; P20-35). This work was carried out on the Dutch national e-infrastructure with the support of SURF Cooperative (NWO-2021.027/L1).


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