Careful Curation of Care Content: A Case Study of a Technology-Supported Atrial Fibrillation Outpatient Clinic

Renee R. Noortman (Corresponding author), Anne Wil Burghoorn, Peter Lövei, Jos-Marien Jansen, Eva J.L. Deckers, Jasper Vermeer, Tineke Vinck-de Greef, Lukas Dekker, Mathias Funk

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschriftTijdschriftartikelAcademicpeer review

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Medical care received outside the doctor’s office and the hospital is gaining traction. Lifestyle programs for transmural and remote care are increasingly facilitated by hospitals as part of rehabilitation, by general practitioners as preventative measures, and by various private (health) organizations through consumer apps. What is often overlooked is the time and energy spent on creating the content (i.e., health information and education) in these programs so that it is effective, appealing, relatable, and personalized. In this article, we discuss the elaborate content creation process of lifestyle content for an outpatient clinic for atrial fibrillation patients. We describe the close collaboration between clinicians, design researchers, data designers, and a copywriter, and reflect on how to streamline and formalize the clinical content creation process. Additionally, we highlight opportunities for further content personalization by making it dynamic, more versatile in terms of delivery and expanding the system further into the home context.
Originele taal-2Engels
Pagina's (van-tot)79-94
Aantal pagina's16
TijdschriftInternational Journal of Design
Nummer van het tijdschrift3
StatusGepubliceerd - dec. 2023


We want to thank all participants of the POP trial and those who participated in extra interviews for their participation. We also want to thank all team members who have contributed to the trial’s design and set-up, specifically, Coen Mulder, Daisy O’Neill, Kathelijn van der Horst, Marleen Hillen, Janne van Kollenburg, Beatrix Hager, Annet de Winter, Peggy de Kievit, and Steven Bressers.


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