Breath pacing system and method for pacing the respiratory activity of a subject

J.M. Krans (Uitvinder), B. van de Sluis (Uitvinder), J. Vogt (Uitvinder), R.M. Aarts (Uitvinder), T. Tijs (Uitvinder), Y. Brada (Uitvinder), M. van den Boogaard (Uitvinder), J. Bennik (Uitvinder), R.J.E.M. Raymann (Uitvinder), P.H. Zwartkruis-Pelgrim (Uitvinder), J. Du (Uitvinder)

Onderzoeksoutput: OctrooiOctrooi-publicatie

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To provide a breath pacing system and a corresponding method for pacing the respiratory activity of a subject that provide the possibility to adapt the output signal to the respiration characteristics of the subject automatically and effectively a breath pacing system (10) for pacing the respiratory activity of a subject and a respective method is proposed, comprising: an input unit (14) for generating or determining an input signal related to a respiration characteristic of a subject, a signal analyzing unit (16) provided to recognize a signal pattern within the input signal, and an output unit (12) for outputting output signals corresponding to a desired breathing sequence, wherein said output unit (12) is provided to be activated, upon a starting signal, to output a sequence of output signals comprising a signal pattern related to a previously recognized signal pattern.
Originele taal-2Engels
StatusGepubliceerd - 19 jul. 2016


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