Best living concepts for elderly homeowners: combining a stated choice experiment with architectural design

I.V. Ossokina, T.A. Arentze, Dick van Gameren, Dirk van den Heuvel

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In this paper we combine the insights from social sciences and architecture to design best living concepts for a specific target group, elderly homeowners. We perform a stated choice experiment to study residential preferences of this group and translate the results into an architectural design of senior‐friendly housing. This methodological approach is novel to the literature. We derive the willingness‐to‐pay for different residential attributes and show how these attributes can be traded off against each other to create best living concepts. We discuss how these concepts can be translated into customized architectural design while making use of standard architectural elements.
Originele taal-2Engels
Plaats van productieTilburg
UitgeverNetspar, Network for Studies on Pensions, Ageing and Retirement
StatusGepubliceerd - 2018

Publicatie series

NaamNetspar Academic Series
VolumeDP 06/2018-033


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