Benefits of withdrawable switchgear and motor control centres

Martijn Imming, Mischa Vermeer, Robbert van Onkelen

Onderzoeksoutput: Hoofdstuk in Boek/Rapport/CongresprocedureConferentiebijdrageProfessioneel


Ever since electricity was first transmitted and
distributed, there has been a need for switchgear. As
distribution systems evolved, this switchgear became
available in fixed and withdrawable forms. This evolution
continues, and the emergence of new technologies and
designs means that the “optimum” solution still changes
over time.
This paper compares the benefits of fixed and
withdrawable switchgear, taking into account the function
that the switchgear has to perform. The topics covered
• Safety of personnel and processes,
• Total cost of ownership, including consideration of
factors like reliability, availability, cabling, switch room
size and process control connection,
• Operator friendliness: how easy is it to work with the
switchgear, and the complexity of the switching
• The ease with which maintenance inspections and
measurements can be performed,
• The need for switchgear to be fit for purpose and to
be sufficiently robust to suit the application,
• Ease and speed of repair and ease of housekeeping
for spare parts,
• The need for high time-to-failure and the
consequences of failures.
The aim of this paper is to provide input for the panel
discussion comparing withdrawable and fixed switchgear
and MCCs, with the focus on usage of the switchgear and
its function within the total process, also taking into
account the newest technologies in switchgear and
network architecture.
It is intended to provide answers to questions like:
• Should fixed or withdrawable or something in
between be chosen?
• When is it best to choose fixed switchgear and when
is withdrawable the better choice?
Which applications require withdrawable switchgear?
• Which form of switchgear will be preferred in future?
Index Terms:
Fixed electrical switchgear or withdrawable electrical
Originele taal-2Engels
Titel2012 Petroleum and Chemical Industry Conference Europe Conference Proceedings (PCIC EUROPE)
UitgeverijInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
ISBN van elektronische versie978-3-9523333-9-6
StatusGepubliceerd - 20 aug. 2012
Extern gepubliceerdJa
Evenement2012 Petroleum and Chemical Industry Conference Europe Conference, PCIC EUROPE: Electrical and Instrumentation Applications - Prague, Tsjechië
Duur: 19 jun. 201221 jun. 2012


Congres2012 Petroleum and Chemical Industry Conference Europe Conference, PCIC EUROPE
Verkorte titelPCIC EUROPE


  • Switchgear
  • Fixed or Withdrawable
  • Circuit breaker

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