Analysis of spectral irradiance variation in northern Europe using average photon energy distributions

Basant Raj Paudyal (Corresponding author), Sakthi Guhan Somasundaram, Atse Louwen, Angèle H.M.E. Reinders, Wilfried van Sark, Dirk Stellbogen, Carolin Ulbrich, Anne Gerd Imenes

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschriftTijdschriftartikelAcademicpeer review


One major factor affecting the energy yield of photovoltaic modules is the spectral distribution of incident solar radiation. As spectral irradiance data is scarce, this study provides further documentation of recorded spectra at tilt angle 30°– 45°over a period from one to several years, with the resulting distributions of average photon energy (APE) in the 350–1050 nm wavelength range, from five locations in northern Europe. The results show a general trend of higher monthly APE values in summer and lower values in winter, with more pronounced APE variation at increasing latitude. Compared to the reference APE value of 1.88 eV, the largest variation in monthly APE is seen for the northernmost location of Grimstad, Norway, ranging from 1.82 eV to 1.93 eV between January and July with an annual average APE of 1.90 eV. The smallest variation is found for Merklingen, Germany, ranging from 1.86 eV to 1.88 eV between March and July, with an annual average APE of 1.86 eV. Comparing the annual average APE values of the various locations, the study shows a slightly blue-shifted spectrum for Berlin, Enschede and Grimstad, whereas Merklingen experiences a slightly red-shifted spectrum and the APE at Utrecht is similar to the standard reference spectrum. The simulations through SMARTS show air mass, water vapor and aerosols as the major parameters affecting the spectrum. During the winter months, distinct contributions from both clear and cloudy sky conditions result in a bi-modal APE distribution for all locations, which is not observed during the summer months. Analysis of APE demonstrates different site-specific behaviors, even though all sites are categorized in the same Köppen–Geiger (KG) climate class. These differences arise mainly due to atmospheric factors, whereas dissimilarity in albedo conditions, plane of tilt and instrumentation also have some contributions.
Originele taal-2Engels
Aantal pagina's21
TijdschriftRenewable Energy
StatusGepubliceerd - apr. 2024


The authors acknowledge the support of the COST Action PEARL-PV programme, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) , see . Basant Paudyal and Anne Gerd Imenes would like to acknowledge the support from University of Agder, Norway . Angèle Reinders would like to thank Theo Krone, Anton Driesse and the ICT department of University of Twente for their technical support. Carolin Ulbrich acknowledges support by the Helmholtz Association, Germany under the program “Energy System Design”. Atse Louwen and Wilfried van Sark would like to thank Anne de Waal (UU) for technical support, and Stichting Technologische Wetenschappen (FLASH Perspectief programme, project number 12172) for financial support. The authors acknowledge the support of the COST Action PEARL-PV programme, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), see Basant Paudyal and Anne Gerd Imenes would like to acknowledge the support from University of Agder, Norway. Angèle Reinders would like to thank Theo Krone, Anton Driesse and the ICT department of University of Twente for their technical support. Carolin Ulbrich acknowledges support by the Helmholtz Association, Germany under the program “Energy System Design”. Atse Louwen and Wilfried van Sark would like to thank Anne de Waal (UU) for technical support, and Stichting Technologische Wetenschappen (FLASH Perspectief programme, project number 12172) for financial support.

University of Twente
Stichting Technologische Wetenschappen12172
European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)
Helmholtz Association
University of Agder


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