This paper is a showcase for an on-going active learning capstone design project in the BSe. programme at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at Delft University of Technology. In multi-disciplinary teams supervised by tutors from different backgrounds students work towards an Aerospace (related) design. In the exercise students learn about applying knowledge, working in teams, sustainable development, project management, reporting, presenting and design in a semi-professional environment.
Originele taal-2 | Engels |
Titel | Research and practice of active learning in enginering education |
Redacteuren | E. Graaf, de, G.N. Saunders-Smits, M.R. Nieweg |
Plaats van productie | Amsterdam |
Uitgeverij | Pallas Publications |
Pagina's | 154-163 |
ISBN van geprinte versie | 978-908-555-091-4 |
Status | Gepubliceerd - 2005 |