All-prosodic speech synthesis

A. Dirksen, J.S. Coleman

Onderzoeksoutput: Hoofdstuk in Boek/Rapport/CongresprocedureHoofdstukAcademicpeer review


We present a speech synthesis architecture, IPOX, wich allows the integration of various aspects pf prosodic structure at different structural levels. This is achieved by using a hierarchical, metrical representation os the input string in analysis as well as phonetic interpretation. The output of the latter step consists of parameters for the Klatt synthesizer. the architecture is based primarily on YorkTalk [Col92, Col94, Loc92], but differs in that it uses a rule compiler [Dir93], which allows a clean seperation of linguistic statement of various kinds of generalizations.
Originele taal-2Engels
TitelProgress in speech synthesis
RedacteurenJ.P.H. Santen, van, R.W. Sproat, J.P. Olive, J. Hirschberg
Plaats van productieNew York
ISBN van geprinte versie0-387-94701-9
StatusGepubliceerd - 1997


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