A theoretical study on the influence of gas adsorption on interparticle forces in powders

E.J.E. Cottaar, K. Rietema

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschriftTijdschriftartikelAcademicpeer review

12 Citaten (Scopus)


Using data from the literature and some additional experiments it is investigated whether the interparticle forces in general and more specifically the cohesion between particles are influenced by the physisorption of gases. In this otherwise theoretical study the force to be applied to a particle to obtain a specific distance from a plane is derived from the total energy of the system of particle and plane. This energy consists of three terms: molecular interaction energy between the particle and the plane; elastic energy due to deformation of the particle; and adsorption energy of the gas. It is concluded that gas adsorption may indeed quite heavily influence the interparticle forces and cohesion (increase up to a factor of 3). The degree of influence is determined by the type of gas and the gas pressure.
Originele taal-2Engels
Pagina's (van-tot)249-260
Aantal pagina's12
TijdschriftJournal of Colloid and Interface Science
Nummer van het tijdschrift1
StatusGepubliceerd - 1986


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