A Sequential Quadratic Programming Approach to Combined Energy and Emission Management of a Heavy-Duty Parallel-Hybrid Vehicle

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Combined Energy and Emission Management (CEEM) problems are a class of optimal control problems that aim to minimize operational costs of (hybrid electric) powertrains with after-treatment system subject to constraints on emissions imposed by legislation. In this paper, a parallel-hybrid heavy-duty vehicle with a Variable Turbine Geometry (VTG) and an Exhaust-Gas Recirculation (EGR) system is considered. The CEEM problem is solved using Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) for which the powertrain and after-treatment models are approximated as smooth functions. It will be shown that solving the CEEM problem using SQP is computationally much more efficient when compared to other techniques like dynamic programming. It will also be shown that most of the benefits from CEEM come from the hybrid powertrain and not from regulating the VTG and ERG mass flows. Furthermore, zero emission zones and local emission constraints can also be included without too much effort.
Originele taal-2Engels
Pagina's (van-tot)335-341
Aantal pagina's7
Nummer van het tijdschrift24
StatusGepubliceerd - 2022
Evenement10th IFAC International Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control, AAC 2022 - Columbus, Verenigde Staten van Amerika
Duur: 28 aug. 202231 aug. 2022
Congresnummer: 10


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