A railway timetable rescheduling approach for handling large scale disruptions

L.P. Veelenturf, M. Kidd, V. Cacchiani, L.G. Kroon, P. Toth

Onderzoeksoutput: WerkdocumentAcademic


On a daily basis, relatively large disruptions require infrastructure managers and railway operators to reschedule their railway timetables together with their rolling stock and crew schedules. This research focuses on timetable rescheduling for passenger trains at a macroscopic level in a railway network. An integer programming model is formulated for solving the timetable rescheduling problem, which minimizes the number of cancelled and delayed trains while adhering to infrastructure and rolling stock capacity constraints. The possibility of rerouting trains in order to reduce the number of cancelled and delayed trains is also considered. In addition, all stages of the disruption management process (from the start of the disruption to the time the normal situation is restored) are taken into account. Computational tests of the described model on a heavily used part of the Dutch railway network show that we are able to find optimal solutions in short computation times. This makes the approach applicable for use in practice
Originele taal-2Engels
Plaats van productieRotterdam
UitgeverErasmus Research Institute in Management
Aantal pagina's24
StatusGepubliceerd - 2014
Extern gepubliceerdJa

Publicatie series

NaamERIM Report Series


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