A PLASIMO global model for plasma assisted CO2 conversion

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Conversion of CO2 has become a major challenge of our time as it is of interest for the reduction of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere, but also to store energy thereby relieving the supply and demand discrepancy of many alternative forms of energy. Plasma assisted CO2 conversion is heavily investigated as an efficient method to achieve this goal. Numerical modeling is an important aspect of this investigation, but is difficult due to the complex chemistry. A global model has been constructed to focus on the CO2 chemistry including its vibrational kinetics. The model has been realized using the global model module of PLASIMO, a highly modular plasma modeling framework. It is based on another model\footnote{Tom\'{a}\v{s} Koz\'{a}k and Annemie Bogaerts, submitted to Plasma Sources Sci. Tech.} that was constructed using the well-established code Global\_kin. The aim of the model is therefore twofold. First, to study the chemistry and identify the most important species and reactions and perform parametric studies. The knowledge gained can be applied to other, spatially resolved models. Second, by implementing the same chemistry in the two different global model codes, a cross validation can be performed, a vital scientific process often overlooked in practice.
Originele taal-2Engels
Pagina'sSessuin GT1-
StatusGepubliceerd - 2014
Evenement67th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, GEC2014, 2-7 November 2014, Raleigh, North Carolina, United States - Raleigh, Verenigde Staten van Amerika
Duur: 2 nov. 20147 nov. 2014


Congres67th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference, GEC2014, 2-7 November 2014, Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
Verkorte titelGEC2014
Land/RegioVerenigde Staten van Amerika
Ander67th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference
Internet adres

Bibliografische nota

Proceedings of the 67th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC), 02-07 November 2014, Raleigh, USA


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