A Nanomechanical Testing Framework Yielding Front&Rear-Sided, High-Resolution, Microstructure-Correlated SEM-DIC Strain Fields

T. Vermeij, J.A.C. Verstijnen, T.J.J. Ramirez y Cantador, B. Blaysat, J. Neggers, J.P.M. Hoefnagels (Corresponding author)

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschriftTijdschriftartikelAcademicpeer review

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Background: The continuous development of new multiphase alloys with improved mechanical properties requires quantitative microstructure-resolved observation of the nanoscale deformation mechanisms at, e.g., multiphase interfaces. This calls for a combinatory approach beyond advanced testing methods such as microscale strain mapping on bulk material and micrometer sized deformation tests of single grains. Objective: We propose a nanomechanical testing framework that has been carefully designed to integrate several state-of-the-art testing and characterization methods. Methods: (i) Well-defined nano-tensile testing of carefully selected and isolated multiphase specimens, (ii) front&rear-sided SEM-EBSD microstructural characterization combined with front&rear-sided in-situ SEM-DIC testing at very high resolution enabled by a recently developed InSn nano-DIC speckle pattern, (iii) optimized DIC strain mapping aided by application of SEM scanning artefact correction and DIC deconvolution for improved spatial resolution, (iv) a novel microstructure-to-strain alignment framework to deliver front&rear-sided, nanoscale, microstructure-resolved strain fields, and (v) direct comparison of microstructure, strain and SEM-BSE damage maps in the deformed configuration. Results: Demonstration on a micrometer-sized dual-phase steel specimen, containing an incompatible ferrite-martensite interface, shows how the nanoscale deformation mechanisms can be unraveled. Discrete lath-boundary-aligned martensite strain localizations transit over the interface into diffuse ferrite plasticity, revealed by the nanoscale front&rear-sided microstructure-to-strain alignment and optimization of DIC correlations. Conclusions: The proposed testing and alignment framework yields front&rear-sided aligned microstructure and strain fields providing 3D interpretation of the deformations and opening new opportunities for unprecedented validation of advanced multiphase simulations.

Originele taal-2Engels
Pagina's (van-tot)1625-1646
Aantal pagina's22
TijdschriftExperimental Mechanics
Nummer van het tijdschrift9
StatusGepubliceerd - nov. 2022

Bibliografische nota

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022, The Author(s).


The authors acknowledge Marc van Maris, Chaowei Du, Lei Liu, Marc Geers and Ron Peerlings for discussions and (experimental) support. This research was carried out under project number S17012b in the framework of the Partnership Program of the Materials innovation institute M2i ( www.m2i.nl ) and the Technology Foundation TTW ( www.stw.nl ), which is part of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research ( http://www.nwo.nl ). B. Blaysat is grateful to the French National Research Agency (ANR) and to the French government research program “Investissements d’Avenir” for their financial support (ICAReS project, N ANR-18-CE08-0028-01 & IDEX-ISITE initiative 16-IDEX-0001, CAP 20-25).


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