A multi-level multidimensional approach for measuring dynamic capabilities in service innovation management

M.J. Janssen, A. Alexiev, C. Castaldi, P. Hertog, den

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan congresPaperAcademic

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Service innovation is a domain with growing strategic importance for a broad variety of firms all around the world. Due to a lack of adequate management models, many attempts to introduce new or enhanced services result in failures. One way of informing the field of service innovation about how organizations can adapt and reconfigure their resources is offered by the dynamic capability view (DCV). However, conceptualization and measurement of dynamic capabilities in service innovation have been difficult. This paper addresses this issue by arguing that a set of common dynamic service innovation capabilities consists of measurable processes on a lower level - their microfoundations. We introduce a new scale for measuring dynamic capabilities in service providing firms. This, in turn, allows for the development of a set of indicators to consistently measure them. We test the reliability and validity of the scale with multi-industry data collected from a survey conducted among 461 firms. Our results prompt discussion of a number of options for further research.
Originele taal-2Engels
StatusGepubliceerd - 2012
EvenementDRUID Summer Conference 2012 - Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denemarken
Duur: 19 jun. 201221 jun. 2012


CongresDRUID Summer Conference 2012
Verkorte titelDRUID 2012
AnderDRUID Conference 2012


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