A homegrown recommender, living with a system of your own

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan congresPaperAcademic


We engage with the world in a way that generates a large amount of data, which corporations leverage through various types of machine learning systems to create digital personalities. These businesses generate income by creating and selling individualised digital profiles in a system we consider Surveillance Capitalism. We propose a data recommender system that lives in our homes instead of in a company. You, the consumer or private citizen, own, train, and run your own machine learning system, a lifelong personal assistant. It will learn your preferences, help you find your way around the world, and make you aware of your privacy and take steps to protect it. It will ask before sending your data and will be transparent about where the data you receive come from.
Originele taal-2Engels
StatusGepubliceerd - feb. 2023
EvenementCHI'23: Workshop on Data as a Material for Design: Alternative Narratives, Divergent Pathways, and Future Directions - Hamburg
Duur: 23 apr. 202323 apr. 2023


CongresCHI'23: Workshop on Data as a Material for Design: Alternative Narratives, Divergent Pathways, and Future Directions


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