A generalised formulation of G-continuous Bezier elements applied to non-linear MHD simulations

JOREK team, S.J.P. Pamela (Corresponding author), G.T.A. Huijsmans, M. Hoelzl

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschriftTijdschriftartikelAcademicpeer review

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The international tokamak ITER is progressing towards assembly completion and first-plasma operation, which will be a physics and engineering challenge for the fusion community. In the preparation for ITER experimental scenarios, non-linear MHD simulations are playing an essential role to actively understand and predict the behaviour and stability of tokamak plasmas in future fusion power plant. The development of MHD codes like JOREK is a key aspect of this research effort, and provides invaluable insight into the plasma stability and the control of global and localised plasma events, like Edge-Localised-Mode and disruptions. In this paper, we present an operational implementation of a new, generalised formulation of Bezier finite-elements applied to the JOREK code, a significant advancement from the previously G1-continuous bi-cubic Bezier elements. This new mathematical method enables any polynomial order of Bezier elements, with a guarantee of G-continuity at the level of (n−1)/2, for any odd n, where n is the order of the Bezier polynomials. The generalised method is defined, and a rigorous mathematical proof is provided for the G-continuity requirement. Key details on the code implementation are mentioned, together with a suite of tests to demonstrate the mathematical reliability of the finite-element method, as well as the practical usability for typical non-linear tokamak MHD simulations. A demonstration for a state-of-the-art simulation of an Edge-Localised-Mode instability in the future ITER tokamak, with realistic grid geometry, finalises the study.

Originele taal-2Engels
Aantal pagina's31
TijdschriftJournal of Computational Physics
StatusGepubliceerd - 1 sep. 2022

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Publisher Copyright:
© 2022


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