A Frequency-Domain Approach for Enhanced Performance and Task Flexibility in Finite-Time ILC

Max van Haren (Corresponding author), Kentaro Tsurumoto, Masahiro Mae, Lennart L.G. Blanken, Wataru Ohnishi, Tom A.E. Oomen

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschriftTijdschriftartikelAcademicpeer review

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Iterative learning control (ILC) techniques are capable of improving the tracking performance of control systems that repeatedly perform similar tasks by utilizing data from past iterations. The aim of this paper is to achieve both the task flexibility enabled by ILC with basis functions and the performance of frequency-domain ILC, with an intuitive design procedure. The cost function of norm-optimal ILC is determined that recovers frequency-domain ILC, and consequently, the feedforward signal is parameterized in terms of basis functions and frequency-domain ILC. The resulting method has the performance and design procedure of frequency-domain ILC and the task flexibility of basis functions ILC, and are complimentary to each other. Validation on a benchmark example confirms the capabilities of the framework.
Originele taal-2Engels
TijdschriftEuropean Journal of Control
Nummer van het tijdschriftX
StatusE-publicatie vóór gedrukte publicatie - 19 jun. 2024
Evenement22nd European Control Conference 2024, ECC 2024 - KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Zweden
Duur: 25 jun. 202428 jun. 2024
Congresnummer: 22


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