A computer implemented method for creating a dynamic light effect and controlling a lighting device according to the dynamic light effect

K. Niemantsverdriet (Uitvinder), J.H. Eggen (Uitvinder), H.A. van Essen (Uitvinder)

Onderzoeksoutput: OctrooiOctrooi-publicatie

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A computer implemented method (600) for creating a dynamic light effect and controlling a lighting device (120) according to the dynamic light effect is disclosed. The computer implemented method (600) comprises rendering (602) a graphical representation (204) of the lighting device (120) in an area of an image at a first position, the first position being associated with first color information. The computer implemented method further comprises receiving (604) a first user input, and setting (606), upon receiving the first user input, the graphical representation (204) in a first state, wherein the graphical representation (204) moves autonomously across the area of the image from the first position to a plurality of subsequent positions over a period of time, the plurality of subsequent positions being associated with subsequent color information. The method further comprises generating (608) one or more lighting control commands (110) based on the first color information and the subsequent color information, and communicating (610) the generated one or more lighting control commands (110) to the lighting device (120), so as to control the light output of the lighting device (120) according to the first color information and the subsequent color information subsequently over the period of time.
Originele taal-2Engels
StatusGepubliceerd - 4 okt. 2017


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