35 challenges in materials science being tackled by PIs under 35(ish) in 2024

Isabel Abánades Lázaro, Athina Anastasaki, Herdeline Ann M. Ardoña, Maxx Q. Arguilla, Abdulaziz S.R. Bati, Munkhbayar Batmunkh, Quinn A. Besford, Michelle P. Browne, Saffron J. Bryant, Marco Carlotti, Claudia Contini, Colm Delaney, Emily R. Draper, Aaron Elbourne, Jack D. Evans, Larisa Florea, Antoni Forner-Cuenca, Alexander C. Forse, Miguel I. Gonzalez, Simon KrauseHiang Kwee Lee, Michael M. Lerch, Shi Liu, Nieves López-Salas, Francisco J. Martin-Martinez, Cristian Pezzato, Loredana Protesescu, Fredrik Schaufelberger, Paula Sebastián Pascual, Aránzazu Sierra Fernández, William A. Tarpeh, Gianvito Vilé, Larissa K.S. von Krbek, Hongzhang Wang, Tailin Wu, Connor J.R. Wells, Steven W. Cranford (Corresponding author)

Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschriftCommentaar/Brief aan de redacteurAcademicpeer review

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Here, we highlight 35 global researchers approximately under the age of 35. This third annual cohort was self-generated by initial seed invitations sent by the editorial team, with each contributor suggesting two more in a nominally supervised self-selecting pyramid-like scheme. The final collection reflects both the diversity and excitement across the field of materials science.

Originele taal-2Engels
Pagina's (van-tot)3699-3706
Aantal pagina's8
Nummer van het tijdschrift11
StatusGepubliceerd - 6 nov. 2024

Bibliografische nota

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 Elsevier Inc.


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