Projecten per jaar
Automated and cooperative driving holds many potential socio-economic benefits. However, the global and safe deployment of related technologies is currently limited by the robustness, costs, and information richness of environment perception sensors, specifically Radar, LiDAR, Vision.
Today’s level of autonomy of self-driving cars is still very limited and requires constant human guidance and control.
Consequently, significant research on advanced environment perception technologies is proposed in this project. The aim is to improve robustness and improve the information richness.
Today’s level of autonomy of self-driving cars is still very limited and requires constant human guidance and control.
Consequently, significant research on advanced environment perception technologies is proposed in this project. The aim is to improve robustness and improve the information richness.
Status | Geëindigd |
Effectieve start/einddatum | 2/01/18 → 30/11/23 |
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- 2 Afgelopen
TKI-HTSM/18.0213 Smart Mob. ES
Corporaal, H. (Project Manager), de Putter, F. (Projectmedewerker), de Mol-Regels, M. (Project communicatie medewerker), Stuijk, S. (Project Manager) & Corporaal, H. (Projectmedewerker)
2/01/18 → 30/11/23
Project: Onderzoek direct
PPS TKI NXP Smart Mobility VCA - mini Impuls
Dubbelman, G. (Project Manager), de Geus, D. (Projectmedewerker) & Jancura, P. (Projectmedewerker)
2/01/18 → 30/11/23
Project: Onderzoek direct