Space and Security

Project: Onderzoek direct



Today’s challenges in Europe evolve around the issue of security, including the Eurozone crisis, the migration flow, the terrorist attacks, the rising of Euroscepticism and Brexit. With security being a top priority for both national and international policymakers, the development of the security sector and related technologies is of great strategic importance. Hence, an exploration of space applications and technologies for the security sector is a valuable starting point for developing partnerships outside the space sector. Over the years, the space sector has played a key role in advancing security technology and developing valuable applications for the security sector. There is an increasing demand for cross-sector collaboration and synergies among the concerned communities.

In light of this objective, the research project seeks to learn from past and current initiatives in co-developing solutions that bring Space to security. To this end it will perform analyses of national space and security activities of member states, in order to identify areas of common interest for future cross-sector collaborations. This project will aim to deliver important insights on how to uncover and align policies, strategies, rules, regulations and programmes in the field of space and security and how to align the relevant actors and perspectives in shaping the future activities. It will include policy guidelines aimed at facilitating structural crossovers between space and security. By studying and learning from these space and security framework, more generic guidelines can be distilled to organize cross-sector partnerships for innovation and policymaking in general.

Omschrijving in begrijpelijke taal

Co-creating solutions for the future
Effectieve start/einddatum1/12/1631/12/21


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