After successful realization of the 100 kW combustion system in the first Metal Power project, the imminent question rose: can we optimize and scale-up the iron fuel combustion installation? In January 2020, the Living Lab Metal Power project commenced to answer exactly this question. The 3,7 million euro project, made possible by EC, subsidy scheme Operationeel Programma Zuid and the Province of Noord-Brabant, aims to realize the Metal Power Living Lab. Within the Living Lab, a 0,5 to 1 MW combustion demonstration system of TRL6 is developed, evaluated and rolled out to heat-intensive SMEs in collaboration with end users.
Besides developing the demonstration system, the project aims to spread the knowledge and roll out the results in order to attract new partners to become part of the Living Lab that will be realized. In this way, an open innovation ecosystem is created in which partners can develop and deploy the Metal Power technology. Within the ecosystem, the development of adjacent projects and implementation processes is top priority.
Involved in this project:
- Europees Fonds voor Regionale Ontwikkeling (EFRO)
- OP Zuid
- Ministerie Economische zaken en Klimaat
- Provincie Noord-Brabant
- EM Group
- Energy Storage NL
- HeatPower
- Nyrstar
- Royal Swinkels Family Brewers
- Team Solid
- TU/E
- Veolia