Edgar J.D. Vredenbregt
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Coherence and Quantum Technology - Universitair Hoofddocent
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Center for Quantum Materials and Technology Eindhoven
Persoon: UHD : Universitair Hoofddocent
Luc Verwaal
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Sintaqs
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Coherence and Quantum Technology - Promovendus
Persoon: Prom. : Promovendus
Claudia Galantini
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Sintaqs
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Coherence and Quantum Technology - Promovendus
Persoon: Prom. : Promovendus
Rianne Lous
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Coherence and Quantum Technology - Universitair Docent
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Center for Quantum Materials and Technology Eindhoven
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Sintaqs
Persoon: UD : Universitair Docent