Projecten per jaar
Persoonlijk profiel
Research profile
Marta Gil Pérez is an Assistant Professor in Sustainable Structural Design at the Unit of Structural Engineering and Design, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Marta’s research interests primarily lie in the area of structural design and digital technologies with a strong motivation for bio-based materials, circularity, and co-design towards the realization of more sustainable structures.
Academic background
Marta has a versatile background in architecture and engineering. She obtained a Bachelor and Master in Architecture at ETSAM, University Politécnica de Madrid (Spain) and a Master in Structural Engineering at Seoul National University (South Korea). Marta extended her professional experience as a Project Engineer at C.S. Structural Engineering in South Korea participating in the structural design of projects in South Korea and the Middle East. In 2017, she joined ITKE at the University of Stuttgart (Germany) and was part of the structural team in projects such as the BUGA Fibre Pavilion, Maison Fibre, and the LivMatS Pavilion. After obtaining her PhD in 2022 she became the Research Group Leader of the fibre composites team. Her research at ITKE comprised the development of engineering methods to prove the structural integrity and safety of non-standard building systems, such as the additive manufacturing technique of coreless filament-wound (CFW) fibre-polymer composite structures. Her methods and design workflow utilized a multi-disciplinary, digital-physical multi-scale approach combining structural testing and simulation.
Integrating bio-based materials and digital technologies is key to achieving sustainable structural design in the built environment.
Expertise gerelateerd aan duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelstellingen van de VN
In 2015 stemden de VN-lidstaten in met 17 wereldwijde duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelstellingen (Sustainable Development Goals, SDG's) om armoede te beëindigen, de planeet te beschermen en voor iedereen welvaart te garanderen. Het werk van deze persoon draagt bij aan de volgende duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelstelling(en):
- 1 Soortgelijke profielen
Samenwerkingen en hoofdonderzoeksgebieden uit de afgelopen vijf jaar
- 2 Actief
Advancing Bio-Based Composites Processing and Characterization for Sustainable Architectural Applications
Gil Pérez, M. (Project Manager) & Vacancy PHD (Projectmedewerker)
1/09/24 → 31/08/28
Project: First tier
Safety and sustainability in bio-based composites’ structural design
Gil Pérez, M. (Project Manager) & Dupas, N. (Projectmedewerker)
11/12/23 → 10/12/29
Project: First tier
Bayesian Inference for Modelling Uncertainty in Non-Standard Building Systems
Kannenberg, F. (Corresponderende auteur), Gil Pérez, M., Schneider, T., Staab, S., Knippers, J. & Menges, A., 30 aug. 2024, Scalable Disruptors: Design Modelling Symposium Kassel 2024. Eversmann, P., Gengnagel, C., Lienhard, J., Ramsgaard Thomsen, M. & Wurm, J. (uitgave). Cham: Springer, blz. 69-80 12 blz. (DMS: Design Modelling Symposium Berlin ).Onderzoeksoutput: Hoofdstuk in Boek/Rapport/Congresprocedure › Conferentiebijdrage › Academic › peer review
Geometrical and structural design development of an active-bending structure from natural fibre pultruded profiles: The LightPRO shell
Spyridonos, E. (Corresponding author), Guo, Y., Gil Pérez, M. & Dahy, H., dec. 2024, In: Developments in the Built Environment. 20, 17 blz., 100577.Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschrift › Tijdschriftartikel › Academic › peer review
Open AccessBestand1 Citaat (Scopus)3 Downloads (Pure) -
Integrative structural design methods for bamboo woven deployable structures: The BamX! Research Pavilion
Chen, T.-Y. (Corresponderende auteur), Suzuki, S., Gil Pérez, M., Guo, Y. & Knippers, J., 2024, Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposia 2024: Redefining the Art of Structural Design. Block, P., Boller, G., DeWolf, C., Pauli, J. & Kaufmann, W. (uitgave). International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) , 10 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Hoofdstuk in Boek/Rapport/Congresprocedure › Conferentiebijdrage › Academic › peer review
LivMatS Pavilion: Design and development of a novel building system based on natural fibres coreless-wound structural components fir applications in architecture
Dambrosio, N., Zechmeister, C., Gil Pérez, M., Dörstelmann, M., Stark, T., Rinderspacher, K., Knippers, J. & Menges, A., jun. 2024, In: Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures. 65, 2, blz. 133-145 13 blz., 220.Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschrift › Tijdschriftartikel › Academic › peer review
Structural design challenges of bio-based composites and digital fabrication towards sustainable building systems
Gil Pérez, M. (Corresponderende auteur), 30 aug. 2024, Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposia 2024: Redefining the Art of Structural Design. Block, P., Boller, G., DeWolf, C., Pauli, J. & Kaufmann, W. (uitgave). International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) , blz. 1-10 10 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Hoofdstuk in Boek/Rapport/Congresprocedure › Conferentiebijdrage › Academic › peer review
- 1 Publicatie peer-review
Open Engineering (Tijdschrift)
Gil Pérez, M. (Lid redactieraad)
2024Activiteit: Types publicaties van collegiale toetsing en redactioneel werk › Publicatie peer-review › Wetenschappelijk