Foto van Margriet Heijden, van der Bart verbeeke

Margriet van der Heijden



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Persoonlijk profiel

Research profile

Margriet van der Heijden ([email protected]) is a part-time professor of Science Communication in Physics at the Department of Applied Physics. She aims to highlight the importance of science communication within the field of physics.

Together with Ivo van Vulpen, who occupies a similar position at Leiden University, she coordinates the Communication between Physics and Society Summer Schools (COMPASSS) for early-career physicists, which took place in Eindhoven in 2023 and in Groningen in 2024.

In collaboration with colleagues from Leiden and Eindhoven, she has conducted a survey to examine physicists' attitudes toward and engagement in science communication activities, with a preprint available for review. Her ongoing projects and research are centered on the effective use of metaphors, stereotypes, and quantum for the younger generations.

A significant aspect of her role involves disseminating evidence-based insights from the science communication domain to students and peers at TU/e. Van der Heijden's two-day-a-week appointment at TU/e was established by the Netherlands' Physical Society (Nederlandse Natuurkundige Vereniging, NNV).

In addition to her work in science communication Van der Heijden has been active in the field of science history with a focus on the (often overlooked) role of women in the history of science, and in physics especially. She wrote award-winning books and papers, and chairs the international working group Women in the History of Quantum Physics (WiHQP).

Academic background

Van der Heijden, trained as a particle physicist, conducted her PhD research at CERN in Geneva, focusing on quarks and their interactions in the NMC experiment. Following a three-year postdoc in particle physics at the Dutch institute NIKHEF, she transitioned to science journalism and writing. She led the science desk at Het Parool and served as a science editor at NRC, covering mathematics, physics, and astronomy. Additionally, she created 'De Kleine Wetenschap,' the children's page in NRC's science section.

From 2012 to 2024, she was a part-time lecturer at Amsterdam University College, teaching physics courses such as 'Electrons, Waves, and Electricity' (with Davide Ianuzzi), as well as the physics components of Climate and Energy courses and cosmology in 'Life, Evolution, and the Universe.' She also taught writing courses, including 'Advanced Research Writing.'

Affiliated with

Margriet van der Heijden currently serves as a member at large for the Forum on the History and Philosophy of Physics of the American Physical Society, chairs the international working group Women in the History of Quantum Physics (WiHQP), and is a columnist for the NRC newspaper.


Margriet van der Heijden, trained as a particle physicist, is also a part-time professor of science communication at Eindhoven University of Technology and a distinguished science reporter and author. Her passion for physics, its history, and its interconnection with disciplines as diverse as mathematics, biology, language, sociology, cosmology, and philosophy is evident in the numerous newspaper articles she has written. 

Beyond nonfiction children's literature, she has authored several books on the history of science over recent years. Her dual biography 'Denken is verrukkelijk,' which chronicles the lives of Tatiana Afanassjewa and Paul Ehrenfest, was nominated for the Nationale Biografieprijs 2022, the Libris Geschiedenisprijs 2021, and the Boerhaaveprijs 2024. An English version is set to be released by Oxford University Press in the spring of 2025. Her work 'Ongekend. Over vrouwen in de natuurwetenschappen die over het hoofd werden gezien' received the Cosmos nonfiction prize in 2023.


To gain insight into her work, here is a selection of papers and books currently in progress:

  • Charbonneau, P., Frank, M., Monaldi, D, Van der Heijden, M. (Eds) (expected March 2025), Women in the History of Quantum Physics: Beyond Knabenphysik. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Blaauboer, M. and Van der Heijden, M. (expected March 2025), ‘H. Johanna van Leeuwen, the other scientist behind the Bohr-van Leeuwen theorem’. In: Women in the History of Quantum Physics: Beyond Knabenphysik, P. Charbonneau et al. (eds). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Heij, S., Stoepker, I., Cramer, J., Van den Heuvel, E., Van der Heijden, M., Van Vulpen, I. (manuscript for submission; OSF preregistered), ‘Mapping science communication in the Netherlands: perception and practices amongst physicists.’

To gain insight into her activities, here is a selection of recent invited talks:

  • Lecture Women in the History of Quantum Physics at the DPG-Lehrerfortbildung 'Geschichte der Quantenphysik/Quantenphysik im Alltag' 22.10.2024, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef.
  • Lecture 'Science (mis)communication' at the Opening of the Academic Year of the Academy of Franeker, October 12, 2024.
  • Co-chair and presenter of/at two sessions 'Beyond Knabenphysik - Women in the History of Quantum Physics' at the annual meeting of the European Society on the History of Science in Barcelona - September 3-7 2024.
  • Jury Member 'Huibregtsenprijs' in 2023 and 2024. 
  • Morning session at ‘Feit en F(r)ictie’, Nationale Wetenschaps-communicatiedag, 9 October 2023.
  • Lecture at the conference ‘New and Enduring Themes in the History and Philosophy of Quantum, Statistical, and Thermal Physics’, University of Minnesota, 8 November 2022.
  • Co-organiser with Elise Crull (CUNY) and Guido Bacciagaluppi (UU) of the workshop 'Grete Hermann and friends' for the International working group ‘Women in the History of Quantum Physics’, Utrecht University, 7-9 July 2022.
  • Opening lecture in the newly established Tatiana Afanassjewa Lecture series, Leiden University, 19 February 2021.


Opleiding / Academische kwalificatie

Subatomic physics, Doctor, Thesis: ‘The structure of nucleons studied in deep inelastic scattering’. Thesis advisor: prof. dr. Ger van Middelkoop, University of Amsterdam

Datum van toekenning: 30 nov. 1990

Theoretical physics, Master, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Datum van toekenning: 21 nov. 1986


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