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Persoonlijk profiel

Research profile

Leon Tolksdorf is pursuing a Ph.D. in the Dynamics and Control group of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) under Arturo Tejada Ruiz and Nathan van de Wouw. Furthermore, he is employed as a research associate at the CARISSMA institute for safety in future mobility in Ingolstadt, Germany. He is currently working on motion planning with stochastic and robust model predictive control methods. Here, he researches how risk, as a stochastic quantity describing potential harm, can be integrated into stochastic model predictive control methods such that the generated motion resembles human likeness while guaranteeing safety.

Academic background

Leon Tolksdorf (born 1994) received his bachelor's degree (B. Eng.) in automotive engineering and management, and he obtained his master's degree (M. Sc.) in automotive engineering from the Munich University of Applied Sciences, Munich, Germany. He specialized in autonomous driving during his master's program and went on an exchange program at the California Polytechnic State University. California, US. For his master's thesis, he worked with the Autonomous Technology Group of Daimler AG in Portland, Orgon, US. 


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