Persoonlijk profiel
Research profile
Konstantinos (Kostas) Steiakakis is a doctoral candidate in the Processing & Performance of Materials group in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). His research interests fall in the fields of computational materials science and computational chemistry. His PhD research focuses on the molecular simulation of the complex ageing events in polymers, with greater emphasis on polymer autoxidation. Projects he has worked in the past include the computational investigation of nanocomposites self-assembly, carbon nano-surfaces wetting properties and polymers rheological properties.
Academic background
Konstantinos (Kostas) Steiakakis obtained his MEng in Chemical Engineering from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) in 2019. After a year of volunteer work as a research assistant in the Laboratory of Physical Chemistry in the department of Chemical Engineering, he joined the research-focused master program (MRes) in Molecular Engineering at Imperial College of London (ICL), from which he graduated with distinction in 2021, being awarded the Institute of Molecular Science and Engineering (IMSE) Prize of Excellence the same year. During his time in the United Kingdom he completed an eight month research placement in British Petroleum (BP) working with molecular simulations of materials for next generation hydrogen storage and refinement applications. In late 2021, Konstantinos joined the Processing & Performance of Materials group in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) as a PhD student focusing on the elucidation of the mechanisms of polymers oxidation.