Andreas T. Hülsing
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Applied and Provable Security - Universitair Hoofddocent
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Center for Quantum Materials and Technology Eindhoven
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Coding Theory and Cryptology - Universitair Hoofddocent
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Discrete Mathematics - Universitair Docent
Persoon: UHD : Universitair Hoofddocent, UD : Universitair Docent
Sven Schäge
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Coding Theory and Cryptology - Universitair Docent
Persoon: UD : Universitair Docent
Alberto Ravagnani
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Mathematical Communication Theory - Universitair Hoofddocent
Persoon: UHD : Universitair Hoofddocent
Monika Trimoska
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Coding Theory and Cryptology - Universitair Docent
Persoon: UD : Universitair Docent
Silvia Ritsch, MSc
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Applied and Provable Security - Promovendus
Persoon: Prom. : Promovendus
Tanja Lange
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Coding Theory and Cryptology - Full Professor, Hoogleraar
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Center for Quantum Materials and Technology Eindhoven - Hoogleraar
Persoon: HGL : Hoogleraar
Mohammad Mahzoun
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Coding Theory and Cryptology - Promovendus
Persoon: Prom. : Promovendus
Jolijn Cottaar
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Coding Theory and Cryptology - Promovendus-TA
Persoon: OWP : Docent / Onderzoeker
Alex Pellegrini, MSc
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Coding Theory and Cryptology - Promovendus
Persoon: Prom. : Promovendus
Benne de Weger
- Mathematics and Computer Science, Coding Theory and Cryptology - Universitair Hoofddocent
Persoon: UHD : Universitair Hoofddocent
Christian Majenz
- Technical University of Denmark
- Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica
Externe Persoon: Externe persoon
Dennis Hofheinz
Externe Persoon: Externe persoon
Nouri Alnahawi
Externe Persoon: Externe persoon
A. May
Externe Persoon: Externe persoon
Sven Schäge
Externe Persoon: Externe persoon