• 507
1983 …2023

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Persoonlijk profiel


“Engineering processes based on formal models are able to cope with complexity. They also support time to market and development costs reduction. Moreover, application of supervisory control synthesis in the development of control systems can speed up the process considerably.”

Research profile

Asia van de Mortel-Fronczak is an Assistant Professor at the Mechanical Engineering Department at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Her research interests are related to model-based engineering and synthesis of supervisory control systems. This includes modelling and simulation of discrete-event continuous-time and hybrid systems, formulating and solving supervisory control problems, formal model-based analysis and verification of supervisory control systems.

Model-based design and analysis of supervisory control including the interfaces with continuous-variable resource control play an important role in the context of cyber-physical systems, such as wafer scanners, high-volume printers, vehicles equipped with ADAS functionality or dynamic traffic infrastructure (water locks, moveable bridges and tunnels). To this end, formal models and formal system specifications provide a sound foundation because they can guarantee the correctness of the design and support automatic generation of real-time implementations. Additionally, using this way of working can substantially reduce the development time.

Academic background

Asia van de Mortel-Fronczak received an MSc from the AGH University of Science and Technology (Cracow, Poland) in 1982 and her PhD degree from TU/e under supervision of Prof. Martin Rem in 1993, both in Computer Science. She was a research assistant at AGH University of Science and Technology and the TU/, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. Subsequently, she was a post-doctoral research fellow at TU/e Department of Mechanical Engineering, where she became Assistant Professor in 1997. From 2007 to 2008, she carried out research at ASML.

Asia’s educational activities include giving Bachelor College and Graduate School courses, and supervising BSc (35 completed), MSc (60 completed) and PhD students (8 completed), and PDEng trainees (10 completed). Asia is a reviewer for Computers in Industry, IEEE TAC, IEEE TII, IEEE THMS, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, and International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 

Affiliated with

    • High Tech Systems Center

    Partners in (semi-)industry 

    • RWS
    • ASML
    • TNO


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