6 Soortgelijke profielen
De gelijkenis is gebaseerd op overlappende concepten in de vingerafdrukken en gedeeld werk en organisatorische banden van Jeroen Overdevest met de onderstaande personen:
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Luan Fiorio
- Electrical Engineering, Signal Processing Systems
- Electrical Engineering, Information and Communication Theory Lab
Persoon: Prom. : Promovendus
Chin-Hung Chen
- Electrical Engineering, Signal Processing Systems
- Electrical Engineering, Information and Communication Theory Lab
Persoon: Prom. : Promovendus
Ruud J.G. van Sloun
- Electrical Engineering, Signal Processing Systems - Universitair Docent, Universitair Hoofddocent
- Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Diagnostics Lab
- Eindhoven MedTech Innovation Center - Universitair Hoofddocent
- EAISI Health - Universitair Hoofddocent
Persoon: UHD : Universitair Hoofddocent
Ashish Pandharipande
- Electrical Engineering, Signal Processing Systems - Onderzoeker
Persoon: OWP : Docent / Onderzoeker
Hamdi Joudeh
- Electrical Engineering, Signal Processing Systems - Universitair Hoofddocent
- Electrical Engineering, Center for Wireless Technology Eindhoven
- Electrical Engineering, Information and Communication Theory Lab
Persoon: UHD : Universitair Hoofddocent, UD : Universitair Docent
Hans van Gorp, MSc
- Electrical Engineering, Signal Processing Systems - Promovendus
- Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Diagnostics Lab
Persoon: Prom. : Promovendus, Prom. : Promovendus