Foto van Hernán Chávez Thielemann

Onderzoeksresultaten per jaar

Persoonlijk profiel

Research profile

Hernán Chávez Thielemann is a doctoral candidate in the Polymer Technology unit in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). His research interest is in thermo-mechanical simulations of polymeric materials, via coupling of different modelling scales. In the same line, the aim of his current project is to develop a computational micromechanical model capable to describe the real microstructure influence in the macroscopic response. Specifically, it will be used to characterize the structure-property relationship in isotactic semi-crystalline polypropylene (iPP). To achieve this, a key goal of this model is to properly characterize the plastic deformation, which has to consider different polymorphisms behaviour, each of which present a set of different crystallographic slip systems with a characteristic anisotropic elasto-viscoplastic response, as well as the isotropic elasto-viscoplastic behaviour of the amorphous constitutive phase. The final goal of the project, based on this model, is to develop a quantitative nontrivial structure–property relationship for flow-oriented iPP, in terms of the anisotropic yield kinetics and the underlying oriented macromolecular structure.

Academic background

Hernán obtained his first Bachelor’s degree in Process Automation Engineering in 2007 at DuocUC (Santiago - Chile) and his second Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2015 at PUC (Santiago - Chile). At the end of the second Bachelor, he enrolled in a double degree program which leads him to PoliTo (Turin - Italy) and to the obtention of a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2017. After that, he spent some time working at the Multi-Scale Modeling Laboratory at PoliTo, which encourage him to go further. As a result, he enrolled as doctoral candidate at TU/e (Eindhoven-The Netherlands) in late 2018, under the supervision of Hans van Dommelen and Leon Govaert.

Affiliated with

1. Polymer Technology, Mechanical Engineering, TU/e.
2. Dutch Polymer Institute (DPI).



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