Persoonlijk profiel

Research profile

Hein de Hoop is a PhD Candidate at the TU/e research group Cardiovascular Biomechanics of the department of Biomedical Engineering and the Catharina Hospital Eindhoven. Within the Photoacoustics & Ultrasound Laboratory Eindhoven (PULS/e), he works under supervision of Richard Lopata on the development and testing of multi-perspective ultrasound imaging techniques to improve geometric and functional measurements on abdominal aortic aneurysms.

Academic background

Hein de Hoop studied Medical Engineering at the Eindhoven University of Technology and received his MSc degree in 2018 on multi-perspective ultrasound strain imaging of the abdominal aorta. In 2017, he completed an internship at the Georgia Institute of Technology at the Ultrasound Imaging and Therapeutics Research Laboratory, where he worked on photoacoustic speckle tracking for motion estimation and flow analysis. After obtaining his MSc degree, he continued his research on multi-perspective ultrasound imaging as a PhD Candidate at the TU/e research group Cardiovascular Biomechanics.


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