Gerard van de Watering


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Research profile

Gerard van de Watering (1966) studied Educational Sciences at the Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen (KUN) after he obtained his teaching certificate in electro techniques at the Pedagogische Technische Hogeschool (PTH). His thesis focussed on promoting independent learning by means of cooperative settings. After his graduation he worked in secondary and higher vocational education as a teacher and educational developer. In 2000 he started as an assistant professor at the department of Educational Innovation and Information Technology (EDIT) at the faculty of law at the University of Maastricht. His research and development interest focus on assessment and evaluation, student-centred learning environments, independent learning and study skills. In 2006 he finished his dissertation entitled 'Assessment in constructivist leraning environments'. He has taught courses in teaching methods, educational sociology, classroom management, pedagogy, educational psychology, curriculum development, personal interaction and introduction in law. Also he led numerous workshops about assessment construction, assessment organisation and the quality of assessment (e.g. the University of Tilburg, Catholic University of Mozambique (Mozambique), Saxion Polytechnical School, Dutch Society of Exams) and he was involved as a project manager in the following projects: Rechten online (training of legal study and assessment skills by means of web-based instruments), Ruim baan voor talent (assessment program for non-direct applicable students) and Implementatie kwaliteitszorg toetsing FRW (implementation of an assessment quality assurance system by order of the faculty of law, University of Tilburg). 


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