Persoonlijk profiel

Academic background

Derk Bos obtained his MSc degree cum laude at the unit of Structural Engineering and Design at the Department of the Built Environment of the TU/e in 2019. He graduated at the chair of Applied Mechanics on: "Effect of imperfections on axially loaded members and experimental verification on 3D printed polypropylene". Since then, he is conducting a promotion trajectory at the chair of Concrete Structures.

Research profile

Derk Bos is a PhD candidate in the Unit of Structural Engineering and Design in the Department of the Built Environment of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). His research focusses on the development of parametric mortar design, the developement of models to describe mixing and pumping behavior, and the developement of test methods for quality control of 3D concrete printing.



Externe posities

Voorzitter, PhD Network Bouwkunde

1 nov. 2019 → …


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