Foto van Daan G.O. Lammers

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Persoonlijk profiel

Research profile

Daan Lammers is an architect in Eindhoven. Since 2013 he has been associated as a Ph.D. researcher to the Faculty of the Built Environment’s Chair of Urbanism and Urban Architecture at Eindhoven University of Technology. The subject of his Ph.D. study, ‘Morphogenesis and Radial Fringe Belt Corridors’, is the evolutionary iteration between morphological and non-morphological urban processes, developing under modern conditions. He seeks to theorize how the concept of an intrinsic developmental logic of an urban area relates to morphological and geographical dynamics. In the empirical part of his research, hypotheses are explored and tested by means of a case study on the urban district of Gestel in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. His publications in academic journals focus on Urban Morphology, Urban Geography, Urban History, Urban Heritage, Urban and Regional Planning. As a University Lecturer in the Bachelor and Master program he teaches urban and architectural design and research at the Department of the Built Environment of Eindhoven University of Technology.