Persoonlijk profiel
Research profile
Aricia Rinkens is a doctoral candidate in the group of Processing and Performance of materials (PP), in collaboration with the Energy Technology group (ET), at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Her research focuses on quantifying the uncertainties in flow simulations of soft matter using the Bayesian statistical framework. To optimize processes involving soft matter, flow simulations are of the upmost importance. However, the calibration of constitutive models is a daunting task and it is often difficult to know a-priori how these models perform in complex flow settings. In her research, she uses flow simulations and experiments in the Bayesian analysis of uncertainty quantification (UQ). Furthermore, she uses model selection to compare different constitutive models to see which model best explains the experimental data. In addition, she optimizes the sampling method required to perform the Bayesian analysis and uses fast-to-evaluate models to decrease computation time.
Academic background
Aricia Rinkens started her studies Mechanical Engineering (ME) at TU/e in 2016 and obtained her Bachelor’s degree in 2019. She started her master’s program in the research group PP in 2019. She did her internship at the KTH in Stockholm where she investigated a phase-field method for modeling solidification in binary and ternary systems. After her internship, she started her graduation project entitled ‘Uncertainty Quantification for the Flow of Soft Materials’ under the supervision of Nick Jaensson and Clemens Verhoosel. She obtained her master’s degree (cum laude) in 2022 after which she continued as Doctoral Candidate in the PP group studying Bayesian uncertainty quantification for the flow simulations of soft matter.
Uncertainty Quantification for the Flow of Soft Materials
Rinkens, A. (Auteur), Jaensson, N. O. (Afstudeerdocent 1) & Verhoosel, C. V. (Afstudeerdocent 2), 28 feb. 2022Scriptie/Masterproef: Master