Projecten per jaar
Introductie / missie
Power Electronics is everywhere. Powering up our devices, from the smallest gadget to the largest industrial drive; enabling renewable energy conversion and use, from the solar-powered toy car to the modern off-shore windfarms; and supporting the transformation of the electricity grid, from the creation of microgrids to the long-distance energy transfer with HVDC.
Highlighted phrase
We advance the state of the art in electrification, creating technologies for more efficient, versatile, and resilient power electronics systems, and shaping the technology leaders of tomorrow that will pave the way towards the zero emissions society.
The Power Electronics Lab (PELe) is part of the Electromechanics and Power Electronics (EPE) group at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Power Electronics is a technology that is key to the envisioned, and largely ongoing, transition towards the use of clean electrical energy in all aspects of modern life, addressing the societal need for a carbon-free energy future. Power Electronics systems are omnipresent in the electrification of traditionally carbon-intensive industries, as well as in the production and effective integration into the grid of abundant amounts of renewable energy. These systems offer solutions that bring flexibility to energy producers and consumers, as well as increased productivity and energy efficiency. However, in an ever changing energy landscape, they are also faced with increasingly demanding requirements in terms of high efficiency, high precision, low cost and lower footprint. These are coupled with the expectation for reliability and resilience that matches, if not surpasses, the one exhibited by today’s traditional solutions – a big challenge for an incoming technology. The PELe team is working on these critical aspects surrounding modern Power Electronics, supporting the further penetration of this technology into our daily lives, striving to accelerate our transition to the carbon-free energy future.
Samenwerkingen en hoofdonderzoeksgebieden uit de afgelopen vijf jaar
Juris Arrozy
- Electrical Engineering, Electromechanics and Power Electronics - Postdoc
- Electrical Engineering, Power Electronics Lab - Postdoc
Persoon: PD : Postdoc
Nico H. Baars
- Electrical Engineering, Electromechanics and Power Electronics - Onderzoeker
- Electrical Engineering, Power Electronics Lab - Onderzoeker
Persoon: OWP : Docent / Onderzoeker
Remco W.T. Bonten
- Electrical Engineering, Electromechanics and Power Electronics - Postdoc
- Electrical Engineering, Power Electronics Lab - Postdoc
Persoon: PD : Postdoc
NEON - Programma
Alkemade, F. (Project Manager), Dubbelman, G. (Project Manager), Gevers, J. M. P. (Project Manager), Steinbuch, M. (Project Manager), Roes, M. G. L. (Project Manager) & Rasouli, S. (Project Manager)
1/02/20 → …
Project: Overig
rodrive: Research on a radio frequency bias voltage generator for remote plasma application
van der Hagen, D. (Project communicatie medewerker), Lomonova, E. A. (Project Manager), van Veen, R. (Projectmedewerker), Yu, Q. (Projectmedewerker), Torri, P. (Projectmedewerker) & Wijnands, C. G. E. (Projectmedewerker)
1/11/18 → 31/12/24
Project: Third tier
Duarte, J. L. (Project Manager), Lomonova, E. A. (Project Manager), Thirion, W. P. F. (Projectmedewerker), van der Hagen, D. (Project communicatie medewerker), Xu, X. (Projectmedewerker) & Tibola, G. (Projectmedewerker)
1/05/18 → 30/10/21
Project: Onderzoek direct
Adaptive PI Utilizing Maximum Torque per Ampere Strategy for PMSM Considering Saturation Effect
Muñoz, J. E., Bayazit, G. H., Ilhan Caarls, E., Schellekens, J. M. & Lomonova, E. A., 5 aug. 2024, 2024 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion, SPEEDAM 2024. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, blz. 1271-1276 6 blz. 10609233Onderzoeksoutput: Hoofdstuk in Boek/Rapport/Congresprocedure › Conferentiebijdrage › Academic › peer review
A Delta-Sigma Modulated Power Converter with inherent Zero-Voltage Switching
Bokmans, B. F. J. (Corresponding author), Vermulst, B. J. D., Schellekens, J. M. & Huisman, H., 2024, In: IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics. 5, blz. 250-260 11 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschrift › Tijdschriftartikel › Academic › peer review
Open AccessBestand1 Citaat (Scopus)142 Downloads (Pure) -
Analytical Modeling of SiC Hard Switching Fault for Stray Voltage Capture Detection
Retianza, D. & Huisman, H., 20 nov. 2024, 2024 Energy Conversion Congress & Expo Europe, ECCE Europe 2024. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 6 blz. 10751957Onderzoeksoutput: Hoofdstuk in Boek/Rapport/Congresprocedure › Conferentiebijdrage › Academic › peer review
Steady-state Temperature Calculation of Transistors using Harmonic Balance
Weiler, B. P. (Ontwerper), Vermulst, B. (Ontwerper), Lemmen, E. (Ontwerper) & Wijnands, C. G. E. (Ontwerper), Code Ocean, 27 okt. 2022
DOI: 10.24433/co.0223978.v1, en nog één link, (minder tonen)
Best Paper Award at IEEE Young Researcher’s Symposium
Ilhan Caarls, E. (Ontvanger), 2010
Prijs: Anders › Werk, activiteit of publicatie gerelateerde prijzen (lifetime, best paper, poster etc.) › Wetenschappelijk
Education Award - Best course material "Vermogenselektronica" for third year students Electrical Engineering at the TU/e
Duarte, J. L. (Ontvanger), 2012
Prijs: TU/e › Anders › Wetenschappelijk
Bestand -
Irene Curie Fellow
Ilhan Caarls, E. (Ontvanger), dec. 2020
Prijs: Anders › Fellowships & memberships › Wetenschappelijk
Parasitic Effects from Cooling of GaN Power Transistors
Weiler, B. P. (Spreker)
14 jun. 2022Activiteit: Types gesprekken of presentaties › Genodigd spreker › Wetenschappelijk
Stray Inductance Based Ultra-Fast Short Circuit Protection
Retianza, D. (Spreker)
10 jun. 2021Activiteit: Types gesprekken of presentaties › Aangemelde presentatie › Professioneel
How to cool GaN
Weiler, B. P. (Spreker)
9 jun. 2021Activiteit: Types gesprekken of presentaties › Genodigd spreker › Wetenschappelijk
Fault-Tolerant Power Amplification
Huisman, H., Retianza, D. & Vermulst, B. J. D.
1 item van Media-aandacht
Pers / media: Vakinhoudelijk commentaar
Analysis and Comparison of a Slew Rate Controlled and a Resistive Gate Driver for 1700V SiC MOSFETs
Dirks, B. (Auteur), Huisman, H. (Afstudeerdocent 1), 12 okt. 2018Scriptie/Masterproef: Master
An Extended Optimal Trajectory Control Algorithm for Bidirectional Power Flow in Series-Resonant Converters
Bonten, R. W. T. (Auteur), Huisman, H. (Afstudeerdocent 1), Vermulst, B. J. D. (Afstudeerdocent 2) & Schellekens, J. M. (Afstudeerdocent 2), 9 nov. 2022Scriptie/Masterproef: Master
Bidirectional Isolated DC/DC Converter with Ultralow Parasitic Capacitance
Pang, H. N. J. (Auteur), Yu, Q. (Afstudeerdocent 1), 29 sep. 2022Scriptie/Masterproef: Master