Projecten per jaar
Introductie / missie
The Philosophy and Ethics (P&E) Group conducts research at the intersection of philosophy, technology, and innovation
Highlighted phrase
Philosophical perspectives on technology and innovation
Research at the Philosophy and Ethics (P&E) group connects philosophy and ethics to technology and innovation. We believe the design, use, and regulation of technologies is enriched by ethical and philosophical analysis. In turn, philosophy must be informed by science, innovation, and technological developments. A few of the research topics studied in the group include theories and models of technological and cultural evolution, and ethical assessment of persuasive technologies, social robotics, and advances in medical and mobility technologies. Interdisciplinary cooperation is vital for our research, which often involves direct engagement with the natural, engineering and social sciences. Researchers in the P&E group often study innovative technologies and technology-related problems in detail to enable genuinely empirically informed analyses that are meaningful to philosophers, researchers in other areas, and society. For this purpose, the group has established close interdisciplinary collaborations with researchers from other groups in the TU/e School of Innovation Sciences, as well as with mechanical engineers, climate scientists, and archaeologists, among others.
At the same time, we also view fundamental philosophical research as an essential part of what we do. Our research on technology-related problems and technological innovations requires going beyond the application of existing frameworks. Members of the group have proposed substantial changes to existing philosophical theories such as consequentialism, Kantian ethics, responsible innovation frameworks, and the extended-mind hypothesis. Members have also developed entirely new philosophical frameworks, such as the ethical design cycle and theories of technical functions and of engineering knowledge. Moreover, we work on fundamental critical assessments of technology-related research in various sciences, and of programs in engineering disciplines.
The group is a member of the Dutch Research School for Philosophy (OZSW), is actively involved in the Jheronimus Academy of Data Science, and has ongoing collaborations with both private and public partners.
Past and current stakeholders in P&E group projects include the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DAF Trucks, Agentschap NL, Milieudefensie, Rathenau Instituut.
Samenwerkingen en hoofdonderzoeksgebieden uit de afgelopen vijf jaar
Alaa Abdalla
Persoon: PD : Postdoc
Gunter Bombaerts
- EAISI - Universitair Docent
- EIRES Research - Universitair Docent
- Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences, Philosophy & Ethics - Universitair Docent
Persoon: UD : Universitair Docent
V.A.J. (Tijn) Borghuis
- Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences, Philosophy & Ethics - Projectmanager
Persoon: OBP : Ondersteunend en Beheerspersoneel
Cognitive Models as Surrogate models for Explainable AI (EAISI Startup)
Zednik, C. (Project Manager) & Budding, C. (Projectmedewerker)
1/01/21 → 31/12/24
Project: First tier
OAI: Opacity in AI: Analysis, Impact, Policy (EASI & IC)
Sullivan, E. (Project Manager), Müller, V. C. (Projectmedewerker) & Verreault-Julien, P. (Projectmedewerker)
1/01/21 → 31/12/24
Project: First tier
Norms of Explainable AI (EAISI Startup)
Sullivan, E. (Project Manager) & Streppel, Y. (Projectmedewerker)
1/01/21 → 31/12/24
Project: First tier
A psychological approach to understanding microscopic and macroscopic structures during train boarding processes
Kodapanakkal, R. I., Pouw, C. A. S., Bombaerts, G., Corbetta, A., Dameski, A., Haans, A., Ham, J., Spahn, A. & Toschi, F., 2024, Traffic and Granular Flow'22. Rao, K. R., Seyfried , A. & Schadschneider, A. (uitgave). Springer, blz. 223-230 8 blz. (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering; vol. 443).Onderzoeksoutput: Hoofdstuk in Boek/Rapport/Congresprocedure › Conferentiebijdrage › Academic › peer review
Can AI become more ethical than humans? A Cross-Paradigmatic Evaluation of the Question
Cannon, M., 25 jun. 2024, Eindhoven: Eindhoven University of Technology. 225 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Scriptie › Dissertatie 1 (Onderzoek TU/e / Promotie TU/e)
Open AccessBestand -
Challenge-based learning implementation in engineering education: A systematic literature review
Doulougeri, K. (Corresponding author), Vermunt, J. D., Bombaerts, G. & Bots, M., 13 mrt. 2024, (E-publicatie vóór gedrukte publicatie) In: Journal of Engineering Education. XX, XOnderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschrift › Tijdschriftartikel › Academic › peer review
Open AccessBestand5 Citaten (Scopus)115 Downloads (Pure)
Dataset: "Inbreeding, Allee effects and stochasticity might be sufficient to account for Neanderthal extinction"
Vaesen, K. (Ontwerper), Scherjon, F. (Ontwerper), Hemerik, L. (Ontwerper) & Verpoorte, A. (Ontwerper), PLoS ONE, 24 sep. 2019
Supplementary material from "Social information use and social information waste"
Vaesen, K. (Ontwerper), Morin, O. (Ontwerper), Jacquet, P. O. (Ontwerper) & Acerbi, A. (Ontwerper), The Royal Society, 12 apr. 2021
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.5372456,
Ethics of Research Funding: pilot study dataset
Conix, S. (Ontwerper), De Block, A. (Ontwerper), Vaesen, K. (Ontwerper) & De Peuter, S. (Ontwerper), Zenodo, 31 jul. 2022
1st prize #IkSchrijf Award 2017
Lanzing, M. (Ontvanger), 2017
Prijs: Anders › Discipline gerelateerd › Professioneel
Bestand -
1st Prize in Safety Category Data4Refugees
Frydenlund, E. (Ontvanger), Gore, R. (Ontvanger), Sener, M. Y. (Ontvanger), van Burken, C. G. (Ontvanger), DeKock, C. (Ontvanger) & Bozdag, E. (Ontvanger), 21 jan. 2019
Prijs: Anders › Werk, activiteit of publicatie gerelateerde prijzen (lifetime, best paper, poster etc.) › Wetenschappelijk
Alexander von Humboldt Professorship
Müller, V. C. (Ontvanger), 19 okt. 2021
Prijs: Anders › Beurzen › Wetenschappelijk
21st Century Science Education
Abdalla, A. (Organisator)
19 aug. 2024 → 23 aug. 2024Activiteit: Types deelname aan of organisatie van een evenement › Workshop, seminar, cursus of expositie › Wetenschappelijk
Invited talk: Vertrouwen en gelijkheid in medische apps en wearables, Hartstichting Nederland
Nickel, P. J. (Spreker)
10 jul. 2024Activiteit: Types gesprekken of presentaties › Genodigd spreker › Wetenschappelijk
Integrative Engineering Education: exploring the responsibilities of technological universities
Martin, D. A. (Spreker)
23 mei 2024Activiteit: Types gesprekken of presentaties › Genodigd spreker › Wetenschappelijk
Podcast SEFI European engineering educators: Diana Adela Martin on intercultural ethics
1 Mediabijdrage
Pers / media: PR activiteiten
Prima, een kiesdrempel, maar dat wel een waarbij elke stem telt
1 Mediabijdrage
Pers / media: Vakinhoudelijk commentaar
Waarom sommige promovendi overwegen te stoppen
Kis, A., Tur, E. M., Lakens, D., Vaesen, K. & Houkes, W. N.
1 item van Media-aandacht
Pers / media: Onderzoek
A brief encounter with Vincent: the effect on self-compassion from a single interaction with a chatbot that gives or asks for help
van As, N. L. (Auteur), IJsselsteijn, W. (Afstudeerdocent 1), Frank, L. (Afstudeerdocent 2) & Lee, M. (Afstudeerdocent 2), 31 jul. 2019Scriptie/Masterproef: Master
Bestand -
Approaches to modelling technological change in energy models: a learning experience
Wesselman, P. (Auteur), Houkes, W. (Afstudeerdocent 1) & Verbong, G. (Afstudeerdocent 2), 29 mei 2019Scriptie/Masterproef: Master
Bestand -
A Welfare Economics Approach to Combating Algorithmic Bias: an empirical analysis using fairness intervention techniques
Janssen, P. J. R. (Auteur), Sadowski, B. M. (Afstudeerdocent 1), Zednik, C. (Afstudeerdocent 2) & Papachristos, G. (Afstudeerdocent 2), 26 feb. 2021Scriptie/Masterproef: Master