Mobile Perception Systems Lab

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    De Groene Loper 19, Flux

    5612 AP Eindhoven


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    P.O. Box 513, Department of Electrical Engineering

    5600 MB Eindhoven



Introductie / missie

The Mobile Perception Systems Lab researches methods in Artificial Intelligence that allow mobile autonomous systems to perceive their environment. Our long-term goal is to realize AI that can anticipate on future events in highly dynamic and complex environments. We always validate our AI methods 'in the loop', meaning in the context of challenging real-world applications, mainly from the industry domains of automotive, transportation, and logistics.

MPS is part of the Signal Processing Systems group and we work closely with the Embedded Systems group, the Dynamics and Control group, the Control Systems Technology group, and the TU/e-wide Strategic Area for Smart Mobility.

Highlighted phrase

Perception Through Anticipation


The MPS lab specializes in the following AI methods: deep learning, multi-modal computer vision, and simultaneous localization and mapping. These are key enabling technologies that allow mobile sensor platforms to perceive and interpret their environments from past and current sensory data, in essence estimating a dynamic digital world-model in real-time. In coming years, we aim to make a step in the direction of spatio-temporal reasoning engines that allow mobile sensor platforms to predict possible future events and thereby achieve anticipation capabilities. Currently, the lack of anticipation capabilities, is a key bottleneck in deploying mobile autonomous systems in complex and dynamic environments, such as self-driving cars in crowded inner cities. We firmly believe that in order to advance AI and its applications, both an inter-disciplinary approach and a strong cooperation with industry are required. Hence, we are involved in many cross-disciplinary European projects and initiatives, such as the International Connected and Automated Driving Institute (, and we recently started the company AI In Motion to bring our technologies to the market ( 

VN Doelstellingen voor duurzame ontwikkeling

In 2015 stemden de VN-lidstaten in met 17 wereldwijde duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelstellingen (Sustainable Development Goals, SDG's) om armoede te beëindigen, de planeet te beschermen en voor iedereen welvaart te garanderen. Ons werk draagt bij aan de volgende duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelstelling(en):

  • SDG 7 – Betaalbare en schone energie
  • SDG 11 – Duurzame steden en gemeenschappen


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  • Best Paper Award

    Sanberg, W. P. (Ontvanger), 17 jan. 2019

    Prijs: AndersWerk, activiteit of publicatie gerelateerde prijzen (lifetime, best paper, poster etc.)Wetenschappelijk