Projecten per jaar
Introductie / missie
It is our goal to understand the physics of transport and phase changes in complex permeable media, so we can better engineer materials for a sustainable society, i.e., materials for energy storage and technological porous materials.
Highlighted phrase
We focus on the basic, fundamental questions that need to be answered to achieve a breakthrough
What is the value of research if not to make things better? At the Transport in Permeable Media (TPM) group, it is in our DNA to take inspiration for our activities from societal issues and applications. From this starting point, we focus on the basic, fundamental physics questions that need to be answered to achieve a breakthrough in application. For instance, energy storage can be achieved with crystalline materials that incorporate water into their crystal lattice. More sustainable permeable materials, as used for example in the steel and construction industry, can be made through a better understanding of aggressive phase changes such as boiling and crystallization in submicron pores. This is what we call basic use-inspired research.
Following from our focus on basic use-inspired research, the group fosters long-term cooperation with TNO, DSM, Océ, Caldic, NXP and Philips.
Within TPM, we pursue two research lines: the physical chemistry of materials for thermal energy storage and transport and phase changes in technical porous media. Both of these research lines are based on studying the motion of molecules through porous materials and the interaction of these molecules with the solid matrix, a process that can lead to phase changes. For instance, we are investigating hydration reactions of crystalline solids that are accompanied by an energy discharge. Another research focus is the way phase changes, such as boiling and crystallization, can exert pressure on the porous matrix that hosts them and may give rise to failure.
Because permeable media are mostly not transparent, the use of optical experimental tools for studying transport and phase changes in these media has its limits. TPM is one of the few groups in the world able to apply advanced imaging techniques like NMR imaging and CT to extreme challenging topics in the field of materials science. A nice example is our research on fierce boiling in porous media under extreme heating conditions (mimicking fire). Visualization and quantification of these processes by our experiments opens the door towards reliable modeling. For that reason, TPM owns and manages the Darcy Lab, which hosts a collection of unique NMR and CT facilities for porous media.
Samenwerkingen en hoofdonderzoeksgebieden uit de afgelopen vijf jaar
Joey Aarts, MSc
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Thermo-Chemical Materials Lab
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Transport in Permeable Media - Postdoc
Persoon: Prom. : Promovendus, PD : Postdoc
Olaf C.G. Adan
- EIRES Research - Hoogleraar
- Applied Physics and Science Education, Transport in Permeable Media - Hoogleraar
Persoon: HGL : Hoogleraar
Işık Arel
Persoon: Prom. : Promovendus
TKI 2121401 4MStableTCMForm stable termochemical materials
Huinink, H. P. (Project Manager) & de Jong, S. J. (Projectmedewerker)
1/07/22 → 25/02/27
Project: Third tier
Printing Complex Liquids on Complex Media (PCLCM)
Huinink, H. P. (Project Manager), Kurvers, M. (Projectmedewerker), Reijnier, A. W. B. P. (Projectmedewerker) & Arel, I. (Projectmedewerker)
1/01/22 → 9/09/27
Project: Third tier
CTSE1507 Dope4Heat
Noijen, J. (Projectmedewerker), Dalderop, J. H. J. (Projectmedewerker), Huinink, H. P. (Project Manager) & Houben, J. (Projectmedewerker)
1/12/17 → 27/06/22
Project: Onderzoek direct
A New Volumetric Strain-Based Method for Determining the Crack Initiation Threshold of Rocks Under Compression
Li, H., Zhong, R., Pel, L., Smeulders, D. & You, Z. (Corresponding author), feb. 2024, In: Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 57, 2, blz. 1329-1351 23 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschrift › Tijdschriftartikel › Academic › peer review
Open AccessBestand12 Citaten (Scopus) -
A scaling rule for power output of salt hydrate tablets for thermochemical energy storage
Cotti, M., Fischer, H., Adan, O. & Huinink, H. (Corresponding author), 15 mei 2024, In: Journal of Energy Storage. 87, 12 blz., 111395.Onderzoeksoutput: Bijdrage aan tijdschrift › Tijdschriftartikel › Academic › peer review
Open AccessBestand1 Citaat (Scopus)54 Downloads (Pure) -
A simulation-based analytical framework for heat batteries in residential use cases
Wang, S., 31 okt. 2024, Eindhoven: Eindhoven University of Technology. 167 blz.Onderzoeksoutput: Scriptie › Dissertatie 1 (Onderzoek TU/e / Promotie TU/e)
Open AccessBestand
Improving power output of K2CO3 by incorporating ions for long term heat storage
Mazur, N. (Spreker)
22 sep. 2020 → 25 sep. 2020Activiteit: Types gesprekken of presentaties › Aangemelde presentatie › Wetenschappelijk
Hydration of salt hydrates inside different silica gels
Eberbach, M. (Spreker)
22 sep. 2020 → 25 sep. 2020Activiteit: Types gesprekken of presentaties › Aangemelde presentatie › Wetenschappelijk
Improving power output of K2CO3 by incorporating ions for long term heat storage
Mazur, N. (Spreker)
16 mrt. 2020 → 18 mrt. 2020Activiteit: Types gesprekken of presentaties › Aangemelde presentatie › Wetenschappelijk
Powered by Laio This salt battery revolutionizes renewable energy storage
Donkers, P. A. J.
1 item van Media-aandacht
Pers / media: Vakinhoudelijk commentaar
Improving materials to increase storage capacity for a home-use salt battery
Donkers, P. A. J. & Fitzgerald, B.
2 items van Media-aandacht
Pers / media: Vakinhoudelijk commentaar
Salt battery for home use
Adan, O. C. G. & Donkers, P. A. J.
1 item van Media-aandacht
Pers / media: Vakinhoudelijk commentaar
An investigation of implementing PCMs as thermal energy storage in a heating system
Boon, L. (Auteur), Pel, L. (Afstudeerdocent 1) & van Riessen, G. J. (Externe coach), aug. 2023Scriptie/Masterproef: Master
Bestand -
Assessing the Performance of a Mobile Heat Battery for the Heating Demand in Residential Areas
van Dorst, J. (Auteur), Hensen, J. L. M. (Afstudeerdocent 1), Hoes, P.-J. (Afstudeerdocent 2), Adan, O. C. G. (Afstudeerdocent 2), Houben, J. (Afstudeerdocent 2) & Wang, S. (Afstudeerdocent 2), 20 jul. 2023Scriptie/Masterproef: Master
Bestand -
Cognitive Ultrasound Imaging
Penninga, S. W. (Auteur), van Sloun, R. J. G. (Afstudeerdocent 1) & van Pul, C. (Afstudeerdocent 2), apr. 2024Scriptie/Masterproef: Master