Materials Simulation & Modelling

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    Groene Loper 19, Flux

    5612 AP Eindhoven


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    P.O. Box 513, Flux

    5600 MB Eindhoven



Introductie / missie

We use simulation to design multifunctional materials and optimize processes related to renewables and energy efficiency

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The Materials Simulation & Modelling Group (MSM) in the Department of Applied Physics uses high-performance computers to simulate materials that potentially revolutionize renewable energy and green technology. We develop and apply both quantum and classical methods, together covering a comprehensive multiscale approach to studying materials and complex molecules from the atomistic scale to the nanoscale. Systems we currently focusing on include, but are not limited to, porous materials, novel semiconductors and hybrid nanomaterials. These are exciting materials that have a lot to offer. However, to establish unique relations between chemical composition, physical properties and their functionalities in the final application is still a chimera. Our motivation is to use theoretical analysis and computer modelling to “invent” materials that meet the current energy and environmental challenges of our society.

VN Doelstellingen voor duurzame ontwikkeling

In 2015 stemden de VN-lidstaten in met 17 wereldwijde duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelstellingen (Sustainable Development Goals, SDG's) om armoede te beëindigen, de planeet te beschermen en voor iedereen welvaart te garanderen. Ons werk draagt bij aan de volgende duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelstelling(en):

  • SDG 7 – Betaalbare en schone energie
  • SDG 13 – Klimaatactie
  • SDG 14 – Leven onder water


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