• AdresToon op kaart

    Groene Loper, Gemini South 4.1.25 (Building 15)

    5612 AP Eindhoven


  • PostadresToon op kaart

    P.O. Box 513, Department of Mechanical Engineering

    5600 MB Eindhoven



Introductie / missie

The research of the group focuses on micromechanics of materials: structure-property relations for both mechanical and functional material behavior, with a special interest in the physics of deformation of crystalline and heterogeneous materials. 


The research has applications ranging from nuclear fusion reactors to 3d printing and couples the functional properties to the (micro)structure of a material and the physical mechanisms within this microstructure. The tools used to achieve this coupling consist of microstructural modelling of representative parts of the structure, at which level the relevant physical processes can be included, and coupling of length scales via various homogenization techniques, in combination with experimental characterization.


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Samenwerkingen en hoofdonderzoeksgebieden uit de afgelopen vijf jaar

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  • Materials Technology Poster Award (Public)

    Westbeek, S. (Ontvanger), 13 dec. 2019

    Prijs: AndersWerk, activiteit of publicatie gerelateerde prijzen (lifetime, best paper, poster etc.)Wetenschappelijk